Vomiting, abdominal distention and palpable epigastric mass from twenty eight days of life to the present.
Patient Data

There are two simple cystic structures, which appear to be in communication via a thin tract/neck. They appear separate from other abdominal viscera. The superior cyst, has thick wall and mobile internal echogenic content.

Persistence of the previously identified discreet cystic structures with posterior acoustic enhancement and internal mobile echogenic contents. A thin neck appears to join the two and confirms that they are communicating cysts.

Two contiguous structures are again confirmed and appear separate from the rest of the abdominal viscera. A third smaller cyst in the left iliac fossa is felt to be a bowel loop.

Laparoscopic partial gastrectomy of a huge gastric duplication with saccular formation without communication with the stomach.

Diagram of the gastric duplication with saccular formation without communication with the stomach.
Original work of Indiveri Lorena.
Case Discussion
Gastric duplication cysts are a rare disease representing 2-7% of all gastrointestinal duplications. It is diagnosed early by its symptomatic presentation with nausea, vomiting, weight loss or epigastric mass. The most frequent location is the jejunum-ileum (68%), followed by the colon (18%). Gastric and duodenal duplications represent <7%. In most cases, the treatment is surgical due to the symptoms and the risk of malignant transformation.