
Case contributed by Tariq Walizai
Diagnosis probable


Long-standing limb numbness with recent aphasia.

Patient Data

Age: 70 years
Gender: Male

There is a large, intra-axial, peripherally enhancing (with a centrally non-enhancing component), thick-walled mass lesion centred within the left frontal lobe with marked surrounding vasogenic oedema (reaching up to the left parietal and right frontal regions). The mass lesion crosses the midline in the form of an invasion of the corpus callosum. Mass effects manifest as effacement of the adjacent sulci and frontal horns of both lateral ventricles and a midline shift towards the right.

Two small ring-enhancing lesions are seen adjacent to the large one. Two enhancing foci are seen in the right frontal lobe.

Case Discussion

The clinical presentation of the patient with current MRI findings most likely represents a high-grade glioma; in this age group, probably a glioblastoma.

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