Gluteal abscess

Case contributed by Harry Huntress
Diagnosis certain


The patient presented for a fine needle aspiration of a suspected left gluteal haematoma. Redness was noted over the skin in this region. The patient complained of pain and had a history of mild fever.

Patient Data

Age: 50 years
Gender: Female

Longitudinal Ultrasound image of left gluteal mass for aspiration.

Under ultrasound guidance, approximately 10 cc of thick yellow-coloured fluid was aspirated from the collection. A sample was sent for pathological analysis.

Subsequently, a CT scan was performed for further evaluation, given the purulent fluid.

Post US-guided aspiration


Portal venous study of abdomen and pelvis, with delayed study through the pelvic region.

On CT, a large loculated collection is observed in the left gluteus maximus muscle, superficially just below the level of the ischium, extending inferiorly and measuring 9 x 8 x 5 cm.

There is oedema in the surrounding subcutaneous fat, with no extension into the deeper musculature and no involvement of the adjacent bones.

A few locules of air are seen within, consistent with the preceding aspiration. Imaging confirms the presence of a gluteal abscess.

Case Discussion

The patient was referred for abscess drainage and management.

Pathology results of the aspirated fluid returned positive for Staphylococcus aureus.

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