Presents with right-hand pain and swelling with limited mobility.
Patient Data

Features consistent with polyarticular gouty arthritis involving the 2nd and 3rd metacarpal-phalangeal articulations, 2nd to 5th PIP articulations, and the 3rd-5th DIP articulations. There are classical juxta-articular punched-out erosions and overhanging edges involving especially the 3rd DIP joint.

On PACS review, the patient had mild gouty arthritis involving the right 2nd and 3rd PIP articulations, right 4th PIP joint (symptomatic joint ) and minimally right 2nd -5th DIP articulations
There is gouty arthritis of predominantly the left 2nd- 5th PIP articulations and additionally the left ulna styloid.
Case Discussion
Features consistent with gouty arthritis of the hands, of which this patient has a history of, with early erosions 6 years back and progressive changes on most recent X-rays.