Type 2 diabetic from 20 years ago referred with fever and great toe ulcer.
Patient Data

Dorsal subluxation of the great toe distal phalanx at the level of the interphalangeal joint is seen.
Mild effusion is seen at the great toe interphalangeal joint.
The bone marrow of the great toe proximal phalanx head and neck shows abnormal signal (low on T1 and high on T2/PDfs).
Skin ulcer with oedema and thickening of subcutaneous tissue is seen at the great toe plantar aspect at the interphalangeal joint level.
Subcutaneous oedema and thickening are also seen along the dorsal aspect of the foot.
Case Discussion
Imaging findings are suggestive of great toe proximal phalanx osteomyelitis with interphalangeal joint septic arthritis and dorsal subluxation of great toe distal phalanx.