Gunshot wound to the muscle

Case contributed by David Puyó
Diagnosis certain


Patient involved in gang shooting

Patient Data

Age: 30 years
Gender: Male

CT angiography


Gunshot wound in the region of the dorsum of the left thigh, with countless shot pellets scattered throughout the thigh from 5 cm below the gluteal fold to approximately the patellar region. Significant increase in volume and density of the muscular planes of the thigh, which can generate a compartmental syndrome on the vascular structures.

Case Discussion

No endoluminal contrast tracts indicative of a rupture in a major vein or artery were observed. However, the presence of abundant metallic artifacts, stemming from the metallic pellets, introduces uncertainty in ruling out lesions, particularly arterial ones. In the case of necessity, a direct angiographic study is recommended for further clarification.

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