Hepatic artery stenosis

Case contributed by Mónica Mariana Azor
Diagnosis almost certain


Patient with a history of liver transplantation in the previous month with increased liver enzymes.

Patient Data

Age: 60
Gender: Male

The colour Doppler study shows a hepatic artery with antegrade flow, it presents a zone of turbulent flow whose maximum velocity is above the normal value. Distally, parvus tardus flow is observed. Preserved intrahepatic arterial flow with an IR of 0.5, below the value considered normal.


Liver of normal size and shape.


Digital angiography demonstrates the site of stenosis and the outcome of stenting therapy.

Case Discussion

Hepatic artery stenosis is less frequent complication than thrombosis within the arterial complications of liver transplants.
When it is suspected, in the early post-transplant stage, it should be differentiated of the anastomosis's inflammation expected.
The colour and spectral Doppler evaluation in the stenotic area and distal vascular bed, together, are useful to the diagnosis.

After the endovascular procedure was realised and the collection, that resulted in a seroma was drained, the patient's liver enzymes began to decline.

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