Fever followed by the left hip pain, restricted movements. High total count and CRP. No trauma.
Patient Data

There is moderate effusion with tiny echoes in the anterior synovial recess of the left hip joint. There is no synovial hypervascularity. No erosion of the underlying femur cortex is seen. There is no periarticular collection.

The Lt hip jt was opened through the anterior approach.
The left hip joint cavity was filled with pus which was aspirated. There was no bone or cartilage erosion.
Case Discussion
An adolescent boy presented with fever followed by the left hip pain and restricted movements. The laboratory investigations favoured infection. The radiograph of the hip joint was normal (not uploaded). The ultrasound shows hip effusion with the presence of echoes. Due to the presence of fever and high CRP, the hip joint was opened and revealed pus. Staphyloccous aureus was isolated in the pathology study.
Intraoperative photos courtesy: Operating surgeon Dr. Pinkesh V. Patel.