Hyperdense MCA sign

Case contributed by Reem Nazeer Ali AbdulJabbar
Diagnosis certain


Patient presented to the ER with left-sided weakness, tongue heaviness and decreased level of consciousness.

Patient Data

Age: 85 years
Gender: Male

Hyperdense MCA sign.

Partial blurring of the right lentiform and right caudate.

Hypodensity involving the right centrum semiovale along with some cortical loss above it. The hypodensity is approaching that of CSF density with no positive mass effect suggesting an old infarct.

Bilateral periventricular hypodensities mostly suggesting small vessel disease.


Acute right MCA stroke.

Case Discussion

Early CT findings of acute ischaemic stroke include:

These findings can be better perceived using stroke window, (40 WW 40 WC).

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