Impacted calculus in a female urethra

Case contributed by Ahmed Samir
Diagnosis certain


Left loin pain.

Patient Data

Age: 40 years
Gender: Female
  • moderate dilatation of the left ureter and pelvicalyceal system, no ureteric calculi

  • a large urethral calculus measures 15 mm in diameter

  • two left lower calyceal non-obstructive calculi adjacent to each other, the largest measuring 6 x 4 mm

  • right vesicoureteric junction obstructive calculus measuring 7.5 x 7 mm causing mild dilatation of the right ureter and pelvicalyceal system

  • normal filling of the urinary bladder, smooth wall thickness, no stones

  • gallbladder stone measures 15 mm in diameter

Case Discussion

The calculus in the urethra has mostly recently migrated from the left ureter.

The urologist successfully removed the calculus after this CT scan.

A stone in the female urethra is very uncommon due to the short length of the urethra in females.

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