Right testicular swelling and redness. The mother denies any pain, tenderness or vomiting.
Patient Data
The right epididymis is seen enlarged in size with markedly inflammatory changes and hyperemia with heterogeneous lesion about 2.0 x 2.5 cm with small echogenic foci consistent with calcifications. Associated mild scrotal skin thickening as well as minimal right hydrocele. Normal sonographic appearance of the right testicle with preserved vascularity and no evidence of orchitis or torsion. The right testicle measures about 1.52 x 1.12 x 1.68 cm with its volume up to 1.5 cc.
Normal left testicle with homogeneous parenchyma as well as preserved vascularity. No evidence of left orchitis or torsion. The left testicle measures about 1.4 x 1.2 x 1.7 cm with its volume up to 1.6 cc.
Case Discussion
Right testicular heterogeneous and hypervascular lesion with small foci of calcifications suggestive of calcifying chronic epididymitis.