Infiltrative gastric adenocarcinoma (linitis plastica) with carcinomatosis
Abdominal pain, anemia.
Patient Data
Diffuse thickening, irregularity, and enhancement of the gastric body with some nodularity extending into the gastrohepatic ligament. Left upper abdominal omental cake. Thickening of the mesentery. Large ascites.
Case Discussion
While the gastric wall thickening and hyperenhancement could be initially confused with gastritis, the supporting findings of carcinomatosis (left abdominal omental cake, mesenteric coating, large ascites) raise the suspicion considerably for infiltrative gastric adenocarcinoma (linitis plastica). Additionally, notice how the gastric thickening and enhancement is beyond the mucosal layer and extends well into the muscularis layer, particularly on the coronal reformats near the fundus (indicating tumor infiltration).