Intestinal obstruction due to adhesions
Updates to Case Attributes
The finding in this case, especially with a history of previous abdominal operation for an appendicectomy, is mostly intestinal obstruction due to adhesion.
The patient underwent a surgical laparotomy that proved, which revealed an adhesive segment in whichthat was removed, and an end-to-end anastomosis was performed.
lipomatosisLipomatosis of the ileocaecal valve is a common incidental finding with variable sizes and is considered a normal variant.
-<p>The finding in this case, especially with a history of previous abdominal operation for an <a href="/articles/appendicectomy" title="appendicectomy">appendicectomy</a>, is mostly <a href="/articles/bowel-obstruction" title="Intestinal obstruction">intestinal obstruction</a> due to adhesion.</p><p>underwent surgical laparotomy that proved an adhesive segment in which removed, and end-to-end anastomosis.</p><p><a href="/articles/lipomatosis-of-the-ileocaecal-valve" title="Lipomatosis of the ileocaecal valve">lipomatosis of the ileocaecal valve </a>is a common incidental finding with variable sizes and is considered a normal variant.</p>- +<p>The finding in this case, especially with a history of previous abdominal operation for an <a href="/articles/appendicectomy" title="appendicectomy">appendicectomy</a>, is mostly <a href="/articles/bowel-obstruction" title="Intestinal obstruction">intestinal obstruction</a> due to adhesion.</p><p>The patient underwent a surgical laparotomy, which revealed an adhesive segment that was removed, and an end-to-end anastomosis was performed.</p><p><a href="/articles/lipomatosis-of-the-ileocaecal-valve" title="Lipomatosis of the ileocaecal valve">Lipomatosis of the ileocaecal valve </a>is a common incidental finding with variable sizes and is considered a normal variant.</p>
Updates to Study Attributes
Dilated, fluid-filled bowel loops involving the small bowel, caecum, and ascending colon tillup to the hepatic flexure were seen as a transition point between the dilated proximal part and the collapsed distal part.
Incidental lipomatosis of the ileocaecal valve was noted.
Right Lowerlower lung consolidative change and cardiomegaly.