Chronic upper back pain with progressive onset bilateral lower limb numbness.
Patient Data
An ovoid-shaped fat signal lesion in the left posterolateral aspect of the spinal canal at the level of T6-T8. There is right anterolateral displacement and compression of the spinal cord. It is hyperintense on T1-weighted and T2-weighted sequences. Normal signal and morphology of the spinal cord above and below the level of the lesion.
The thoracic vertebral bodies demonstrate normal signal.
Conclusion: Mid-thoracic lesion with an appearance consistent with lipoma.
Case Discussion
The patient underwent T5-T8 thoracic laminectomy and excision of the lesion.
The sections show multiple fragments of tissue which consist predominantly of benign unremarkable adipocytes and unremarkable fibrous connective tissue. No evidence of atypia or malignancy is seen.
FINAL DIAGNOSIS: Intradural lipoma