Intrahepatic biliary stones

Case contributed by Ahmed Samir
Diagnosis almost certain


Road traffic accident

Patient Data

Age: 60 years
Gender: Male

Multiple stones seen inside the left main hepatic bile duct the largest measures 15 x 22 mm, smaller stones more distally causing dilatation of the duct with mild atrophy of the left hepatic lobe, minimally dilated right intrahepatic bile ducts.

A tiny calcified focus at the subcapsular right hepatic lobe segment 8, likely old calcified granuloma, otherwise no hepatic focal lesions.

No dense GB stones or pericholecystic fluid. 

Complete impacted fracture of the neck of the left femur.

Case Discussion

The finding of multiple left-sided intrahepatic biliary stones was an incidental finding in this patient after a road traffic accident.

The patient is tilted on the CT table due to a left femoral fracture.

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