Intraosseous meningioma

Case contributed by Shervin Sharifkashani
Diagnosis certain


Left side proptosis, orbital pain and preseptal swelling.

Patient Data

Age: 45 years
Gender: Female

Irregular sclerotic thickening of the lateral wall of the left orbit that extends into the calvarium. Associated soft tissue mass bulging into the left temporal fossa and temporal side of left orbital cavity. Left-sided proptosis due to mass effect of the lesion is noted.


Microscopic description: The lobulated architecture, some meningothelial whorls composed of syncytial cells with indistinct cell membranes, eosinophilic cytoplasm, round uniform nuclei, and intranuclear pseudo inclusions common between trabecular bone.

The report has been prepared by Dr Nozarian Zohre, the pathologist.

Case Discussion

Intraosseous meningioma is rare, but one of the commonest locations is the posterolateral wall of the orbital cavity. It tends to affect the greater wing of sphenoid bone and commonly presents with proptosis. The mass can extend into the orbital apex to cause orbital apex syndrome.

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