Intraosseous pneumatocyst of the first rib.

Case contributed by Safwat Mohammad Almoghazy
Diagnosis certain


History of the road traffic accident and complaining of neck pain and? compression fracture of C5

Patient Data

Age: 50 years
Gender: Male

Straightening cervical curve denoting muscle spasm, otherwise normal bony alignment of the cervical spine.

Spondylodegenerative changes of the scanned vertebrae with osteophyte formation.

The odontoid process is centralized.

No evidence of fractures in the cervical spine.

Normal appearance of the pre-vertebral soft tissue. 

The visualised parts of the lung apices are unremarkable.

Gas-containing cystic structures seen inside the head of the right first rib keeping with an intraosseous pneumatocyst.  

Annotated image


The blue arrow pointing to the gas-containing cystic structure seen inside the head of the right first rib keeping with an intraosseous pneumatocyst.  

Case Discussion

An incidentally noted gas-containing cystic structure seen inside the head of the right first rib keeping with an intraosseous pneumatocyst.  Maybe this is the first case of intraosseous pneumatocyst in the first rib to publish. 

Most pneumatocysts are incidental findings and knowledge of the typical appearance allows an accurate diagnosis to be made and unnecessary treatment can be avoided.

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