Isolated Fallopian tube torsion

Case contributed by Vinay V Belaval
Diagnosis certain


Lower abdominal pain since 2-3 days, more on the left side.

Patient Data

Age: 13 years
Gender: Female

MRI pelvis shows T2 hyperintense and T1 hypointense retort-shaped lesion in left adnexa (separate from left ovary) measuring 10.2 cm in length and 2.3 cm in maximum width - representing hydrosalpinx.

There is twisting of lateral end of dilated left fallopian tube, best seen on coronal T2 image - representing torsion. 

Left peritubal oedema is noted with minimal fluid in pouch of Douglas. 

Uterus and both ovaries appear normal.

Case Discussion

Adnexal torsions include isolated ovarian torsion, combined tubo-ovarian torsion and isolated torsion of fallopian tube. 

Isolated torsion of a Fallopian tube is rare. Hydrosalpinx is a pre-existing risk factor for torsion. 

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