Jersey finger

Case contributed by Bouhouche Abdeldjalil
Diagnosis certain


Patient suddenly and forcefully dragged by a leashed dog presenting with pain and swelling over the volar aspect of the fourth finger and inability to actively flex the DIP joint.

Patient Data

Age: 30 years
Gender: Male

  • complete rupture of the fourth flexor digitorum profundus tendon at its insertion on the distal phalanx with retraction to the level of the proximal interphalangeal joint

  • soft tissue oedema in the palmar aspect of the digit with fluid surrounding the fourth finger flexor tendons along their course (tenosynovitis)

Case Discussion

The mechanism of injury (sudden hyperextension of an actively flexed finger) and MRI findings are reflective of jersey finger (a.k.a. rugby finger).

The ring finger is involved in about three-quarters of jersey finger injuries. This is thought to be due to a weaker flexor digitorum profundus tendon insertion of the fourth digit along with a greater force absorbed by the protruded ring finger's tip when the hand is gripping.

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