Jewellery artifact - bangles

Case contributed by Ashesh Ishwarlal Ranchod
Diagnosis certain


Polyathralgia and generalised joint pain. For arthritis screen and workup.

Patient Data

Age: 40 years
Gender: Female

Essentially normal wrist and hand X-rays.

Incidental metallic right wrist bangles and a left-sided intravenous catheter.

Case Discussion

The patient presents with multiple, metallic, right wrist bangles. They appear too tight as demonstrated by the wrist soft tissue pressure indentation on these wrist and hand X-rays.

She refused removal prior to imaging as it was impossible to remove the bangles intact!

Tightly worn jewellery including anklets, bracelets, bangles, chains, finger and toe rings and even genital (penile) rings may pose an emergency health hazard and oftentimes need to be physically cut to manage acutely and prevent long-term complications.

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