Jewelry artifact - earrings

Case contributed by Ashesh Ishwarlal Ranchod
Diagnosis certain


Known asthmatic, presents for barium swallow for exclusion of gastro-esophageal reflux.

Patient Data

Age: 5 years
Gender: Female

The control X-ray confirms the presence of earrings. The cervical soft tissues are otherwise normal.

Case Discussion

Jewelry artefacts are often encountered during emergency imaging. Earrings likely represent one of the most commonly encountered jewelry artefacts. In routine imaging, it is advisable to remove all jewelry that may obscure and hinder visualization and prevent adequate assessment of imaging studies, especially X-rays. In addition, removal is necessary to prevent unexpected injury, equipment damage (to MRI coils and gantry) and unnecessary metallic artefact on CT studies.

In this instance, the earrings were extremely difficult to remove on multiple attempts. In practice, we have also encountered the use of a liquid "super glue" at the clasp, earring clip or earring butterfly back to prevent removal and/or accidental loss of the earring or earring butterfly back. This further thwarted attempts at the removal of the earrings.

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