Blunt trauma, patient fell onto an outstretched hand.
Patient Data

There are no acute post-traumatic bony abnormalities.
There is a right metallic bracelet and multiple animal skin, non-metallic, wristbands obscuring the wrist views in this patient.
Case Discussion
The patient presents post-trauma for the exclusion of wrist and hand injuries.
There is an incidental solitary right-wrist metallic bracelet.
There are multiple animal skin, non-metallic, traditional wristbands, tightly wound around the right wrist. These animal hide wristbands are known as "isiphandla" and it symbolizes some type of a traditional ritual or ceremony that has been performed in the family of the wristband wearer. These wristbands are usually impossible to remove or cut without consent and often provoke the wearer when done without permission.
Fortunately, there were no post-traumatic bone injuries.