Progressive onset of reduced hearing in the left ear.
Patient Data
There is an enhancing mass of the left jugular foramen extending through adjacent bone and overlying the left cochlear promontory. No obstruction of the proximal left sigmoid sinus given the lack of dilatation. Multiple small vessels are seen throughout the lesion. Normal appearance of the ventricles and sulcal pattern. No abnormal diffusion restriction.
Case Discussion
The appearance is consistent with a left jugulotympanic paraganglioma.
Jugulotympanic paraganglioma is a slow-growing paraganglioma of the glomus bodies located immediately lateral to the cochlear promontory 1,2. It may progressively enlarge into the mastoid or extend through the tympanic membrane into the external auditory canal 1.
It will demonstrate intense enhancement and hypervascular state on MRI 1,2. The inferior tympanic branch of the ascending pharyngeal artery is the most common feeding vessel 3.