Recurrent chest infections and nasal obstruction.
Patient Data

bronchiectatic changes in the right lower lobe region and left middle lobe
atelectatic changes in the right lower lobe
dextrocardia with the right-sided aortic arch
the liver and gallbladder on the left side, and the spleen and stomach on the right

polypoid soft tissue appearance involving both maxillary sinuses
mucosal thickening of ethmoid air cells
mucosal thickening and congestion of the inferior nasal turbinates
left side nasal septal deviation with ipsilateral nasal spur
Case Discussion
Situs inversus and bronchiectasis with chronic sinonasal polyposis are the triad descibed by Kartagener. Kartagener syndrome is a phenotype associated with primary ciliary dyskinesia.
Co-author: Dr Farhad Farzam, Kabul University of Medical Sciences