Chronic cough
Patient Data

Evidence of situs inversus is seen as dextrocardia, right-sided position of the stomach, and left-sided position of the liver.
Cylindrical bronchiectasis with peribronchial cuffing is seen in the middle lobe of the left lung.

Dextrocardia is seen with bilateral middle lobes cylindrical bronchiectasis and peribronchial wall thickening.
Bilateral lower lobes centrilobular nodules are seen with a tree-in-bud appearance, which is related to simultaneous endobronchial infection.
Case Discussion
Kartagener syndrome (also known as Kartagener-Afzelius syndrome) is a subset of primary ciliary dyskinesia, an autosomal recessive condition characterised by abnormal ciliary structure or function, leading to impaired mucociliary clearance.
Kartagener syndrome is characterised by the clinical triad of: