Coughing and choking on food. Intermittent hoarseness.
Patient Data
There is an 18 mm Killian-Jamieson esophageal diverticulum protruding on the left just inferior to the cricopharyngeus.
In addition, there is a Zenker diverticulum arising from the posterior wall immediately above the level of the cricopharyngeus , measuring 20 mm in maximum diameter.
Case Discussion
Killian-Jamieson diverticula are rare and arise from the lateral wall of the pharyngo-esophageal junction below the cricopharyngeus muscle and lateral to longitudinal muscular fiber of esophagus.
Zenker diverticula are much more common and arise from the posterior wall of the pharyngo-esophageal junction, below the superior pharyngeal constrictor and above the cricopharyngeus muscle.
This case is a nice demonstration of both diverticula.