Kyphoscoliosis - hump
Diagnosis certain
Updates to Case Attributes
was changed:
Kyphoscoliosis -: hump
changed from pending review to published (public).
Published At
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changed from 49 to 50.
References changed:
- 1. Kim H, Kim HS, Moon ES et-al. Scoliosis imaging: what radiologists should know. Radiographics. 2010;30 (7): 1823-42. <a href="">Radiographics (full text)</a> - <a href="">doi:10.1148/rg.307105061</a> - <a href="">Pubmed citation</a><span class="ref_v3"></span>
- 2. Yochum and Rowe's Essentials of skeletal radiology. LWW. ISBN:0781739462. <a href="">Read it at Google Books</a> - <a href="">Find it at Amazon</a><span class="auto"></span>
- 1.Kim H, Kim HS, Moon ES et-al. Scoliosis imaging: what radiologists should know. Radiographics. 2010;30 (7): 1823-42.
- 2.Yochum TR, Rowe LJ. Essentials of Skeletal Radiology. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. (2005) ISBN:0781739462.
Systems changed:
- Musculoskeletal