Large cerebellopontine angle meningioma with obstructive hydrocephalus
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Large extra-axial dome-shaped dural-based mass lesion at left cerebellopontine angle with dural tail. It shows homogeneous texture with smooth outlinesurfaces, and no cystic changes. It is of isointense signal on T1, high signal on T2 and FLAIR.
It is resting on left internal acoustic meatus with minimal intracanalicular extension. Normal diameter of left intermal auditory canal with visualised intracanalicular VII and VIII nerves. ItAnteriorly, it shows extension to the left Meckel cave. Inferiorly it is encroaching upon left hypoglossal canaljugular foramen opening.
It is compressing the brainstem from left side and left cerebellar hemisphere causing moderate supratentorial hydrocephalus with mild periventricular edema.
Image MRI (T2) ( update )

Image MRI (FLAIR) ( update )