Dysphagia and odynophagia for six months and a history of long term cigarette smoking.
Patient Data

There is a solid mass lesion with enhancement and axial diameters up to 22 x 15 mm and height up to 27 mm within the right side paraglottic space of the superaglottic larynx, which has infiltrative margin and encased the ipsilateral piriform sinus and hypopharynx.
The mass has also extended within the following anatomic regions:
1- Right side aryepiglottic fold, epiglottis magin, and preepiglottic space
2- Right side cricoarytenoid joint
3- Upper margin of right side true vocal cord
Case Discussion
The case illustrates the contrast-enhanced MDCT of the pathologically proved supraglottic laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma.
The management of laryngeal cancer is based on TNM staging.