Left horizontal fissure

Case contributed by Yaïr Glick
Diagnosis certain


Pain and swelling in left calf.

Patient Data

Age: 50 years
Gender: Male

Normal cardiac silhouette and size, lungs are well aerated, no pleural effusion.

Old malaligned right mid-clavicular fracture.

Right lateral osteophytes in several consecutive thoracic vertebrae.

 Incidental finding of left horizontal fissure.


Lung fields exhibit normal aeration and pulmonary markings bilaterally.

Incidental finding of left horizontal fissure.

Case Discussion

Routine erect PA and lateral chest radiographs were ordered, although had no chest-related complaints or a history of cardiopulmonary disease. Radiographs were normal, except for an old malaligned right mid-clavicular fracture and right lateral osteophytes in several consecutive thoracic vertebrae. Incidental finding of left horizontal fissure.

Non-contrast-enhanced CT (NECT) performed previously for protracted chest pain and fatigue revealed no chest pathology, but demonstrates left horizontal fissure nicely.

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