Liver haemangioma - with light bulb sign

Case contributed by Abhinav Ranwaka
Diagnosis probable


Asymptomtic. Incidental hepatic nodule finding on USG for routine health checkup.

Patient Data

Gender: Female

CT scan: non-contrast, arterial phase, portal venpus phase and delayed phase. There is a well-circumscribed and low attenuation lesion (on pre-contrast image) that has a peripheral centripetal enhancement on dynamic contrast phases. 

Hepatic mass homogeneously hypointense relative to the liver on T1-weighted and markedly hyperintense (lightbulb sign) on T2-weighted images relative to the liver.

Case Discussion

The light bulb sign of a hepatic haemangioma refers to marked hyperintensity seen on heavily T2 weighted sequences that has been likened to a glowing light bulb.

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