Liver segments (annotated CT)
Case contributed by Jeffrey Hocking
Diagnosis not applicable
Citation, DOI, disclosures and case data
Hocking J, Liver segments (annotated CT). Case study, (Accessed on 27 Mar 2025)
At the time the case was submitted for publication Jeffrey Hocking had no recorded disclosures.
View Jeffrey Hocking's current disclosuresCase published:
26 Jun 2016
5 times, by
4 contributors -
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Case of the day:
27 Jul 2016
Quiz mode:
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Patient Data
Age: 45 years
Gender: Female
From the case:
Liver segments (annotated CT)

Annotated Axial CT with contrast of hepatic segmentation and veins
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- Abdomen by muhammet
- reg teaching by Peter Scally ◉
- GIT by Ahmed Hamdy Mhsb
- Anatomie by Ulrike Bartosch
- Liver Segments (Axial) by R. Furman Borst MD
- Abdomen - anatomy/diagram/scheme by Zhalila Albekova
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- 1 by Wenhao Zhang
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- Anatomy by Ahmed Hamdy Mhsb
- MI 2020-7 by Mariangela Alvarado Molinaro
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- Normals by Noah
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