Abdominal pain following blunt abdominal trauma due to a traffic accident. Elevated liver transaminase levels (ALT/AST = 451/505 U/L).
Patient Data

A laceration with an intraparenchymal haematoma involving segments IV, V, and VIII of the liver (Couinaud classification) is noted, measuring approximately 82 x 65 x 82 mm, with an active bleeding site inside. A small amount of subcapsular haematoma is present on the anterior liver surface.
Suspected renal contusion with subcapsular haematoma of the right kidney (grade I according to AAST).
Free fluid with low attenuation (<10 HU) is observed in the pelvic cavity.
Several small cysts in the left kidney, including both simple and complex cysts.
No pneumoperitoneum is detected.
Case Discussion
The imaging findings are consistent with a grade IV liver injury according to the AAST classification, with active haemorrhage, along with a grade I right renal injury.
The patient's clinical and haemodynamic status is stable, and blood test results, including red blood cell count and haemoglobin levels, are within normal limits. Conservative medical management has been recommended.