Long standing lump in left lower back, recently became tender.
Patient Data
Age: 55-60
Gender: Male
From the case:
Lumbar hernia


There is a left lateral abdominal wall hernia. The neck is at the posterior margin of the left external and internal oblique muscle. The hernia bulges into the lateral abdominal wall subcutaneous fat. It contains fat and descending colon.
No signs of any obstruction or strangulation.
Case Discussion
There are two possible triangular defects in the lumbar region from which hernias can arise:
- superior lumbar triangle (Grynfeltt): this is an inverted triangle; the base is the 12th rib, posterior border is erector spinae, anterior border is the posterior margin of the external oblique and apex is the iliac crest
- inferior lumbar triangle (Petit): the boundaries are the external oblique, the latissimus dorsi and the iliac crest caudally