Lump in the right breast from 2 months. This case was referred with a report saying the lesion is likely a fibroadenoma.
Patient Data
Well defined radio-opacity with microlobulation in the upper outer quadrant of right breast, compressing the surrounding tissue resulting in a lucent halo around.
Note also: vascular calcifications in the left breast
Well defined, hypoechoic mass with microlobulation is again demonstrated. There was increased vascularity within the mass (not shown). Few right axillary nodes were also found (not shown) with absent fatty hilum.
Case Discussion
The case demonstrates the need of ultrasound correlation to the mammographic findings. A halo sign (due to compression of surrounding tissue) on mammogram, though usually seen with benign masses, can also be seen with malignant mass. The lesion was finally given as BIRADS 4c/5 and subsequent FNAC report said "Malignant epithelial neoplasm of breast".