Mandibular fractures with temporomandibular joint dislocation and masticator space blow-out fracture

Case contributed by Husam Hussein Yaseen
Diagnosis certain


Road traffic accident.

Patient Data

Age: 45 years
Gender: Female

A displaced bony fragment of the left posterolateral maxillary sinus with herniated soft tissue component into the sinus cavity feature consistent with a masticator space blow-out fracture.

Fracture dislocation involving the right mandibular condyle that became horizontally located in the coronal plane.

A fracture involving the bony component of the right external auditory canal with an inferolateral displacement of the bony fragment.

A left-sided linear fracture involving the anterior portion mandibular body.

Soft tissue oedema or sinus fluid are not obvious in this case indicating these are non-recent injuries.

Case Discussion

In the setting of jaw fractures or the presence of masticator space soft-tissue oedema, carefully search this type of blow-out fracture.

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