Swelling, pain, and restricted mobility of the right knee joint following a traffic accident.
Patient Data

Complete discontinuity of the medial collateral ligament with increased signal intensity on PDFS in the ligament and surrounding tissues.
Complete discontinuity of the anterior cruciate ligament with laxity and increased ligament signal on PDFS and T2W images, accompanied by the "empty notch sign" on the axial plane.
Knee joint effusion is noted, predominantly in the suprapatellar bursa.
Soft tissue oedema is seen in the subcutaneous region around the knee joint.
Case Discussion
Imaging findings are consistent with a grade III medial collateral ligament injury (complete tear) accompanied by a complete tear of the anterior cruciate ligament.
The patient subsequently underwent arthroscopic surgery, which confirmed the diagnosis and involved reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament and medial collateral ligament.