Seizures and disequilibrium.
Patient Data
Age: 30 years
Gender: Female
From the case:
Meningioma - angiomatous type
A 55 x 70 x 80 mm left parietal and posterior frontal regions large extra-axial solid mass lesion with multiple internal dark linear signal vessels with obvious pressure effect and effacement of the left lateral ventricle, superior cerebellar, and peri mesencephalic cisterns
Marked surrounding vasogenic edematous changes
Midline shift to the right side measuring about 20 mm
Decenceging transtentorial and uncal herniations.
From the case:
Meningioma - angiomatous type
Pathology proven case of meningioma (angiomatous type), WHO grade I.
Case Discussion
Pathology proven case of meningioma - angiomatous type (WHO grade I).