Mesenteric metastases of small bowel carcinoid

Case contributed by Kosala salinda herath(H.P.K.S HERATH) , 29 May 2021
Diagnosis probable
Changed by Kosala salinda herath(H.P.K.S HERATH), 29 May 2021

Updates to Case Attributes

Status changed from draft to pending review.
Presentation was added:
Abdominal pain.
Age was set to 55Y.
Gender was set to Male.

Systems changed:

  • Gastrointestinal

Updates to Study Attributes

Findings was changed:

There is a 2.8 x1. 5 cm size avidly enhancing mass with in the left side of the abdomen within the jejunal  mesentery. It enhances uniformly and avidly with contrast.  The lesion exhibits desmoplastic like reaction leading to a characteristic “spoke-like” appearance of mesenteric vessels. Due to demoplastic reaction adjacentjejunal bowel loops are angulated and retracted towards the lesion. Affected jejunal loops show focal dilatation and enhancement with significant thickening. No appreciable 

calcifications within it.  

Jejunal branch of SMA leading to the mass appears hypertrophied with increased perilesional 


No wall thickening or obstruction of small bowel proximal to it. 

There are multiple discrete and enhancing lymph nodes along the branches of SMA with 

largest 9mm in SAD. 

No focal liver lesions 

Visualized lung bases are free of deposits 

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