Methotrexate-related leukoencephalopathy

Case contributed by Jose Antonio Habana
Diagnosis almost certain


B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, on methotrexate therapy; presenting with headaches.

Patient Data

Age: 11 years
Gender: Female

Coalescing T2-weighted hyperintense signal abnormalities involving the bilateral frontoparietal deep white matter and periventricular regions, with sparing of the subcortical U fibres. T2-weighted hyperintense signal abnormalities are also seen in the genu of the corpus callosum and in the bilateral cerebellar hemispheres. No restricted diffusion or enhancement.

Case Discussion

Methotrexate-related CNS toxicity may be seen as:

  • toxic leukoencephalopathy

  • disseminated necrotising encephalopathy

  • subacute combined degeneration

Toxic leukoencephalopathy is the most common of the three and commonly presents within two weeks of administration, but may occur beyond this period. It appears as restricted diffusion and T2 hyperintense signals bilaterally across vascular territories, affecting the centrum semiovale and sparing the subcortical U fibres. The imaging findings are often transient but may persist after symptoms resolve.

Methotrexate-related CNS toxicity is more common among paediatric patients. Intrathecal administration has been reported as a risk factor.

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