Microcephaly with simplified gyral pattern

Case contributed by Ammar Haouimi , 19 Feb 2023
Diagnosis probable
Changed by Dalia Ibrahim, 24 Feb 2023
Disclosures - updated 8 Sep 2022: Nothing to disclose

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CT features most consistent with microcephaly with simplified gyral pattern, group I.A according to the Classification system for malformations of cortical development.

Microcephaly can be divided into:

  • congenital (primary or true) microcephaly: the brain never forms normally. the cause is genetic and usually associated with simplified gyral pattern with normal cortex thickness

  • acquired (or secondary) microcephaly. usually associated with cerebral cortical malformations (such as lissencephaly or holoprosencephaly) and result from brain injury (such as hypoxic-ischaemic insult, cerebral infection, or metabolic disease)

Case courtesy Dr M. Slougui, MD, CHU Constantine, Algeria

  • -<p>CT features most consistent with <a href="/articles/microcephaly" title="Microcephaly">microcephaly</a> with simplified gyral pattern, group I.A according to the <a href="/articles/classification-system-for-malformations-of-cortical-development" title="Classification system for malformations of cortical development">Classification system for malformations of cortical development</a>.</p><p>Microcephaly can be divided into:</p><ul>
  • +<p>CT features most consistent with<a href="/articles/microcephaly-with-simplified-gyral-pattern" title=" microcephaly with simplified gyral pattern"> microcephaly with simplified gyral pattern</a>, group I.A according to the <a href="/articles/classification-system-for-malformations-of-cortical-development" title="Classification system for malformations of cortical development">Classification system for malformations of cortical development</a>.</p><p>Microcephaly can be divided into:</p><ul>

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