Morgagni hernia

Case contributed by Mostafa Elfeky
Diagnosis almost certain



Patient Data

Age: 50 years
Gender: Female

Plain scanogram shows large right-sided homogeneous opacity over the lower part of right lung with pulmonary vascular markings seen through.

CT shows a large anterior right hemithorax hernia through foramen of Morgagni transmitting only omentum. It lies anterior to righ middle and lower lobes with related partial relaxation atelectasis.

Small left adrenal homogeneous mild hypodense lesion, suggestive of adrenal adenoma.

Case Discussion

Morgagni hernias are more often right-sided (~90%), most often contain omental fat (~90%) and tend to occur in overweight, middle-aged, women. They are generally asymptomatic and incidentally found in chest radiological studies.

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