Dyspnoea and positional sleeping.
Patient Data

Right-sided lower chest small gas shadow over right side of the heart. Lateral view shows the anterior location of the gas-filled structure that is obviously seen continuous with the large bowel, in keeping with a congenital diaphragmatic hernia (Morgagni hernia).
Central orientation of the colon with its apex continuous with the hernia, suggestive of herniated part of transverse colon.
Case Discussion
The chest x-ray was performed for an episode of chest infection. The gaseous shadow is incidentally noted and was not reported on antenatal scans. The general condition of the patient is very good after recovery from chest infection with normal feeding and weight gain. Laparoscopic repair was also advised.
On chest x-ray, common features of Morgagni hernia are demonstrated: small size, right sided, anterior, and transmitting part of the transverse colon.