Forefoot pain
Patient Data
Small Morton neuroma in the second intermetatarsal webspace, no associated distended bursal component. Minimally distended bursa in the third intermetatarsal webspace. Mild first metatarsophalangeal joint osteoarthritis. An oil bead marker identifies the symptomatic area.
The second intermetatarsal webspace Morton neuroma is outlined with a yellow marker. It equally contacts the 2nd and 3rd plantar plates and it is located centrally in the webspace.
Case Discussion
Morton neuroma is one of the differentials of forefoot pain. It can have characteristic appearances and is often centrally located in one or multiple intermetatarsal webspaces, more commonly the 2nd and 3rd. They are dumbbell-shaped and bulge symmetrically inferiorly. This is unlike the pseudoneuroma which is asymmetric and contours to the adjacent plantar plate tear.