The patient is on day 14 post-surgery for a ruptured appendix. Mobile X-rays were requested for a nasojejunal tube insertion check.
Patient Data

The nasojejunal tube is satisfactorily positioned. The distal tip lies within the proximal jejunum, just beyond the duodenojejunal flexure, as evidenced by the radio-opaque markers.
Suboptimal penetration and elevated BMI are present in mobile settings.
The bowel gas pattern is non-specific.
There are bibasal effusions and atelectasis with a left intercostal drain in situ.
Case Discussion
An example of a satisfactorily inserted nasojejunal tube. In this instance, the tube lies within the proximal jejunum beyond the duodenojejunal flexure. This can be inferred from the tube positioning mimicking the gastric, duodenal, and duodenojejunal contour.
Ideally, the tip of a nasogastric tube should be approximately 10 cm beyond the gastro-esophageal junction, while that of a nasojejunal tube should be at or just beyond the duodenojejunal flexure.