Necrotising enterocolitis

Case contributed by Muhammad Asadullah Munir
Diagnosis almost certain


Premature baby presented with abdominal distension and vomiting

Patient Data

Age: 10 days
Gender: Female

NG tube is seen in situ.

Branching lucencies are seen in hepatic region, which in a premature baby with given clinical presentation, are suggestive of necrotising enterocolitis.

There is prominent and few dilated air filled small bowel loops in the centre of the abdomen.

Needs follow up to check for fixed bowel pattern and development of pneumoperitoneum which would be a surgical emergency.

The included chest shows mild ground glass with prominent interstitial marking, in keeping with residual hyaline membrane disease. 



Case Discussion

This premature baby suffering from necrotising enterocolitis was being managed in neonatal ICU. Unfortunately, it developed grade II germinal matrix haemorrhage. Follow up radiographs were not obtained as the baby expired next morning.

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