Healthy pregnant woman in a routine ultrasound at 16 weeks and 5 days gestation.
Patient Data
Age: 30 years
Gender: Female
From the case:
Normal fetal biometry of a 16 weeks' gestational age


- Gestational age (GA) based on last menstrual period (LMP): 16w5d
- Number of fetuses: 1
- Head circumference (HC): 128.8 mm
- Occipitofrontal diameter (OFD): 46.3 mm
- Biparietal diameter (BPD): 34.3 mm
- Abdominal circumference (AC): 103.3 mm
- Femur length (FL): 22.8 mm
- Fetal heart rate (FHR): 146 b/min
- Estimate of fetal weight (EFW): 161.2 g
- Arithmetic ultrasound age (AUA): 16w4d
Case Discussion
Initially, the GA informed by our pregnant patient was of 16 weeks and 5 days, which was calculated based on LMP. The final gestational age calculation (the AUA) resulted only in 1 day discrepancy with LMP, and this is within the acceptable margin of error.
The selected images demonstrate a 16 weeks' gestational age ultrasound and its appropriate measurements of fetal biometry.
Contributed by Dr. Guilherme Pioli Resende M.D., Dr. Rebecca Carolina Silva Lins M.D. and Dr. Arthur Ataide Lopes M.D.