Ultrasound appearances suggested a obstructed left kidney, thought to represent a PUJ obstruction.
Patient Data

Symmetrical uptake and excretion of radioisotope from both kidneys.
The relative uptake curves of both kidneys are identical and normal in appearance, with a rapid uptake followed by gradual excretion over 10 minutes.
Case Discussion
Tc-99m MAG3 (mercaptoacetyltriglycine) is one of the technetium radiopharmaceuticals used in renal imaging. It largely taken up by tubular secretion. It has a strong role in assessing the function of kidneys and in the assessment of an obstructed kidney.
DMSA is the main competiter radio-isotope renal imaging study, have a large role in the pediatric popuation.
This demonstrates a normal study (for reference) with identical uptake,excretion and curves.