This is a cine MRI sequence for assessing small bowel motility, also known as the peristalsis sequence. It can be acquired in various ways, and does not need any special sequences. It does require the protocol to be set up correctly for the radiographers to be able to run it effectively. The most common method is to use a gradient-echo sequence (I use TrueFISP on Siemens and FIESTA on GE) and acquire a coronal series during a breathhold. This is then repeated multiple times. The resulting images are then sorted by slice position such that at any given location, there are multiple images each acquired at a different time point. The change in position of the bowel between each image means that when they are all put together, the bowel is seen to move as if during peristalsis.
Case Discussion
This sequence is useful to evaluate for fixed segments secondary to active inflammatory or fibrostenotic segments. This particular example shows normal small bowel.