Diagnosed breast cancer metastatic to bone and brain with recent left eye pain and diplopia.
Patient Data
Age: 55 year old
Gender: Female
From the case:
Ocular metastases
- Multiple scattered variable sized intra-axial SOLs are seen in left cerebellar hemispheres and left cerebral hemisphere. The largest SOL is seen at left occipital region shows cystic components and heterogeneous enhancement in the post-contrast series, surrounded by peri-focal edema. Right temporal focal meningeal thickening is also noted.
- The left eye globe is the seat of posterior uveal mass infiltrating the posterior uveal wall along the temporal aspect of the optic disc encroaching upon it. It elicits intermediate T1 and low T2 signal intensities with mild post contrast enhancement and mild diffusion restriction (red arrow).
Case Discussion
A known patient with breast cancer metastatic to bone and brain and newly developed visual symptoms and left ocular (namely posterior uveal mass) representing metastatic disease.
The most common primary site that results in ocular metastases is breast carcinoma